Pengaruh Variasi Time Echo Terhadap Hasil Spektrum Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Brain Pada Pasien dengan Space Occupaying Lesion di RSUP Fatmawati Menggunakan MRI Siemens Essenza 1,5 Tesla
Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) is an advance technology offered by MRI modalities. MRS helps to know the ratio of substances from brain metabolites. The ratio of substances from brain metabolite, contributes to diagnosis of brain abnormalities, especially on diagnosing Space Occupying Lesion (SOL) types. Such as MRI, using different parameters will affect the results of the MRS obtained. One of the most influential parameters is Time Echo (TE). TE will affect the signal intensity obtained from each metabolite and also determine what type of metabolite will appear. Generally MRS examination is done by using long TE with 135 ms, but MRS can also be done by using short TE. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the effect of TE variation on the resulting metabolite spectrum results in Brain with SOL.
The research design was quantitative analytic with observation, experiment, measurement and interview method in Radiology of Central General Hospital of Fatmawati on March until April 2018 with 10 patient as the sample, using purposive non random sampling that was in accordance with criterion determined by the researcher. Data collecting techniques by using observation, experiment, measurement and interviewwere conducted. Research instrument using observation sheet, Syngovia software, interview sheet, MRI Siemens Essenza 1.5 Tesla and head coil.
Processing and data analysis were done by examining MRS in patients Brains with SOL by using TE 135 ms and 40 ms. Then the data and the results of the examination processed with Syngovia software and obtained the results of the value of Area Under Curve metabolite NAA, Creatine, Choline, Lactate and myo-Inositol, then conducted an interview on MRS. The measurement data was analyzed by using SPSS and interview data were analyzed descriptively. The result confirms that there is an influence of TE variation on the MRS spectrum results.
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