Hubungan Kondisi Sanitasi Lingkungan Rumah Dengan Kejadian Diare Pada Balita Di RW 4 Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Kelurahan Pondok Betung Tangerang Selatan, Tahun 2018”
Diarrheal disease is becoming a global problem because diarrheal disease is the main causes of child morbidity and mortality in the world. The risk of diarrhea in under five year-old children is higher than in adult, it is known that 35% of all under-five years-old children mortality is caused by acute diarrhea. Environment Sanitation is the most dominant factors that cause diarrhea for under five year-old children.
This study aimed to find out and determine the relationship between housing environmental sanitation and the occurrence of diarrhea in under five year-old children at the service are of Pondok Betung Public Health Center, South Tangerang, 2018. The research was performed by observational analytic studies with cross-sectional designs. The subject for this research was housewives with 0-4 years-old children who lived in the service area Pondok Betung Public Health Center. The sample selected using systematic random sampling method resulting 95 housewives as a sample. The appropriate analysis for examining the relation is using the chi-square test.
The overall results showed that the diarrhea incidences were suffered by 66.3% under five year-old children. Ineligible quality of drinking water was 35.8%, unprotected drinking water sources was 37.9%, use of latrines in the bad category was 61.1% and Ineligible waste water treatment was 71.6%. The results of statistical analysis showed that there was a significant relationship between the quality of clean water (p = 0.025), the use of latrines (p = 0.025), and waste water management (p = 0.009) with the incidence of diarrhea in. in under five year-old children. However, there was no correlation between drinking water sources and the incidence of diarrhea in under five year-old children (p = 0.105).
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