Perbandingan Metode Pengambilan Data Pada Kalibrasi Infant Warmer Dengan Metode AS 2853 Dan Black Body (Aami/ansi)
The purpose of this scientific paper is to to determine whether standard of Australian Standard 2853 – 1986 Enclosures – temperature – controlled – perfomance testing and grading is between EN (Error Number) or not with compare methods of AAMI (Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation) / ANSI (American National Standard Institute, Inc) No. II36 – 1991 with methods of Australian Standard 2853 – 1986 Enclosures – temperature controlled – perfomance testing and grading then outhor can get the conclusion that both of methods are syncronise or not for calibration Infant Warmer.
This research use primary data results measurement of Infant Warmer with both of methods. And then the data results measurement are calculated and will get correction and U95, after that calculated again with EN (Error Number). The concusion of this research is methods of Australian Standard 2853 – 1986 Enclosures – temperature – controlled – perfomance testing and grading is syncronise with AAMI (Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation) / ANSI (American National Standard Institute, Inc) No. II36 – 1991 and can use to calibration for Infant Warmer.
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