Abstract Fistulography examination technique with Enterocutaneous Fistula indication used similar examination technique with Loopography where the same is inserting the contrast media through the artificial hole (stoma) things that makes it difference was the purpose of this examination, Fistulography with Enterocutaneous Fistula indication aims to find out if there are an abnormality t…
The exposure factor is one of the important parameters in optimizing the radiographic examination. This study aimed to analyze the value of the Signal To Noise Ratio (SNR) against the use of the 15% kV rule method in the examination of Chest AP Supine. Descriptive quantitative research method conducted in the laboratory of the Department of diagnostic imaging and radiotherapy, Health …
A typical image of the Thorax CT Scan as a sign of the early stages and development of Covid- 19 is the finding of Ground Glass Opacities (GGO). GGO is an insignificant increase in the density of the lungs without occlusion of blood vessels and bronchi. In mild cases, GGO tends to be difficult to identify and requires high-resolution CT scanning. In this study, we intend to improve the reso…
Pemanfaatan Computed Radiography (CR) membuat Radiografer menjadi kurang memperhatikan dalam pemilihan faktor eksposi. Sehingga sering terjadi eksposi berlebihan (overexposure) yang membuat pasien menerima dosis radiasi berlebih dan eksposi kurang (underexposure) yang akan menimbulkan noise walaupun sudah dilakukan postprocessing. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan nilai faktor eks…
Background: Routine pelvic radiograph examination commonly performed in diagnostic radiology services is a pelvic examination of anteroposterior projection (AP). This results in direct exposure to ionizing radiation to the internal organs in the lower abdomen, especially the reproductive organs. Purpose: Optimizing the dosage of AP projection pelvic radiographs. Method: Research is conduct…
Bakcground: The differences in fat suppression MR images between Proton Density Fat Saturated sequence with STIR sequence in MRI pedis sagital view. This research aims to analyze the differences of SNR, CNR, and the details MR images. Methods: Secondary data were using by non-probability sampling technique with 10 purposive sampling of pedis MR images Proton Density Fat Saturated sequence and …
Penelitian ini termasuk kedalam bidang kesehatan, khususnya bidang radiologi. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pengukuran ketebalan korteks dan parenicim pada pasien pemeriksaan USG ginjal, yang mempunyai data kadar kreatinin. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik kuantitatif dengan cross sectional, yang dilakukan pada 26 orang sampel pada tahun 2018. Tempat penelitiannya di bagian radiolo…