Until now,the waste problem has become an unresolved issue,especially organic waste. Independen and unproductive in reducing waste,not separating inorganic and organic waste into homework,accompanied by the absence of an integrated organic waste management house in the area. Clean village program is the goal for the handling of organic waste in the target areas in empowering enterpreunership de…
Liquid waste from tofu production is generated from the washing, boiling, pressing and molding process. Liquid waste disposal from tofu production have temperature of 37-45°C, turbidity of 535-585 NTU, TSS, ammonia of 23.3-33.5 mg/L, BOD of 6000-8000 mg/l and COD of 7500-8400 mg/l. One of th techniques for the liquid waste processing from tofu production is aeration and adsorption. The purpose…
Ground water is a source of clean water that is often used by people for daily activities. Physically, clean water is colorless, odorless, tasteless, and not turbid. Turbidity and levels of iron ions in ground water can be lowered by using moringa (Moringa oleifera) seed powder as coagulant. Niazynin A and Niazynin B as well as 4-Alfa-4rhamnosxylopsi-benzil-isothioncyanate in moringa can neu…
ABSTRAK Latar belakang : Kandungan bahan organik tinggi terutama kadar BOD, COD, dan TSS terdapat pada limbah cair tahu. Bubuk biji Tamarindus indica dan bubuk biji Moringa oleifera dapat digunakan dalam penurunan kadar COD dan TSS. Metode : Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui penurunan COD dan TSS dalam limbah cair tahu dengan kombinasi bubuk biji Moringa oleifera dan bubuk biji Tamarindus i…