Abstract Fistulography examination technique with Enterocutaneous Fistula indication used similar examination technique with Loopography where the same is inserting the contrast media through the artificial hole (stoma) things that makes it difference was the purpose of this examination, Fistulography with Enterocutaneous Fistula indication aims to find out if there are an abnormality t…
SKRIPSI, 2017 Apri Herawati ANALISIS PEMBERIAN SUBLINGUAL NITROGLYCERIN TERHADAP DIAMETER ARTERY CORONARY PADA PEMERIKSAAN CT SCAN ANGIOGRAPHY CORONARY DI RS JANTUNG DAN PEMBULUH DARAH HARAPAN KITA 5 Bab + 42 halaman + 17 gambar + 15 tabel + 1 grafik + 15 lampiran Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa ukuran diameter Artery Coronary dengan pemberian Sublingual Nitroglycerin dan tanpa…